Friday, March 27, 2009

A Shock to the System

Last night I did my first group ride. It hurt. I know I am not in great shape right now, but the ride was more difficult than I imagined it would be. Before the ride started I had pretty much decided to duck out early and take my own, easy way home. So I did not technically get dropped, but there is no doubt I would have been dropped had I stayed.

Still, it is fun to learn where you are at and have some goals. Now I get to work at finishing one of them darn College Green rides again. There is no substitute for consistent riding, and there also needs to be some consistent, fast riding, too. I had been neglecting that last part.

Oh, and I finally received my new lenses for my sunglasses. They make the world pretty and bright and I don't have to squint. Plus, there is no tape in the way.

1 comment:

gpickle said...


You are home!

Glad to have you back Brian, see you tomorrow and yes, lets roll on Saturday!