Then we got to chatting about Saisons and Pilsners. I was disappointed to learn that Saisons don't really travel well, hence the reason the three I have had recently were brewed in Kansas, New York, and Iowa rather than on the Franco-Belgium border.
As the weather was a little warm and sticky I asked for some recommendations on a smooth, crisp German Pilsner. He pointed out the Ayinger Jarhundert Bier, which is one of his favorites.

The beer man also recommended a Dunkel by Spaten which had just come off the ship and was thus very fresh. This dark lager was quite a shift from the crisp pilsner we tasted first. The intial sips were somewhat dissapointing, but after clearing the pallet (which I should probably do some other way) I found the beer to be sweet and smooth. It had a big malty caramel flavor, quite similar to many Oktoberfests. I will definitely get it again.
While consuming these great brews I was reading Charles Bamforth's Grape vs. Grain, a cultural and historical comparison between wine and beer.
And he makes a pretty good case. The book is a quick read, and for anyone who wants a brief but still thorough history of beer and beer making, it is a great place to start. I also found the wine chapters interesting, but I mostly ended up skimming those. They were equally as informative as the beer chapters, but Bamforth's tone is slightly anti-wine (though he still enjoys his fair share of it). So if you want a less scued history of wine, you might want to look elsewhere.
Tonight is date night, and with some damp, rainy weather on the way I'm thinking it might be a appropriate for something Belgian.
Yay for date night! And nothing beats the damp like a frosty pint.
Shazam that sounds like the goodness! Does the pils come with a little goat-like action figure hung off the bottles? Looks mighty tasty, have to give it a try.
No, no goat this time. Only the bocks come with an ornament. Still, plastic accouterments aside, it is worth trying.
Hey Brian,
I like the blog. I sent you an e-mail, but I understand if you are busy. I am a reporter for the Daily Iowan looking writing a story about biking in Iowa City and the Tour De Brew.
I figured you were resident expert on bikes and brew so I should get in touch with you for the story.
The deadline is coming up, so it's cool if you are busy/don't see this in time.
My e-mail is
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