Sunday, January 20, 2008

Skiing and Resting, and Skiing Again

The snowfall that I was recently oh so excited about was on the disappointing side. I think we only ended up with an inch and a half or so. Nonetheless, Robin and I zoomed over to the Finkbine golf course on Thursday morning. It was very windy, and that made the snow coverage very inconsistent. Still, we picked a fairly nice route and followed that around for awhile. The wind was dying down right as we were leaving. Figures.

The next two days, Friday and Saturday, were bitter cold. My body was a little wrecked from the consistent exercise of the previous week, so I had no problem staying in for awhile. I did some reading, wasted time on the computer, watched a movie, and we made a white chili that turned to have a really nice flavor.

But today was much warmer. I think it got up to 8 or so. The really nice thing about today's weather though, was the lack of wind. That makes all the difference on a winter day. Robin and I took advantage of this "warming" and went skiing at the McBride Nature Trails. There were quite a few people out and about on skis and even just hiking around. The trails up there might have gotten just a teeny bit more snow than we did in Iowa City, plus the groomer did a really nice job of smoothing things out. But the snow was a little on the slow side. It had an energy sapping quality to it that wore us out. Perhaps this was due to the extreme colds, but I'm not snow expert, so I will cease to speculate. We are supposed to get some more snow tonight and tomorrow; either way I am going to go back to the trails to celebrate MLK day.

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