Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It is true, the blog has moved

And the booksbikesbeer.com address will be no more. For those of you still interested in reading my increasingly infrequent posts, be sure to add ".blogspot"after the beer.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Free Burgers and Beer

After a lovely weekend with my parents visiting, Robin and I went for a walk to the library and grocery store on a cloudy but relatively warm Sunday afternoon. On the way we found 30 dollars in the street. We didn't really know what to do with it at first, as anyone could feasibly claim it was theirs. And with no one really about, we decided to go out for happy hour.

Our intentions were to go to the Sanctuary, which we have not visited in some time. But they are closed on Sunday. So on to Orchard Green we went. They had a new (to us, at least) Belgian Blonde on tap. I forget the name of it, but I know it starts with an "A" and it is yummy. I recommend.

Even though we stopped at the store for food we decided to save that for Monday and stay for burgers, they were practically free afterall. We left the bar in a happy haze. Kind of like how I felt in the photo below, except the tippsyness came shortly thereafter.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Birkie by Numbers

10,000 The number of skiers who competed in the various ski events over the weekend.

5,079 The number of skiers who completed the marathon distance.

1,433 Classic skiers went the distance.

298 My overall position in the classic marathon category.

54 The number of kilometers in the classic race.

35 As in VG35, the base binder I ironed into my skis. This stuff is sticky, and it was perfect for the old, hard, and fast snow.

8 Layers of kick wax. I put down 4 layers of Violet Special, put the skis outside to cool for 20 minutes and then put down 4 layers of Blue Extra. Kick was good until the last 8k or so. Then it was herring bone up the hills and a lot of double polling.

7 The wave I started in.

3:43:38 My time. And I'm pretty happy with it. Under 4 was the general goal. 3:30 would have been amazing. So being in the middle is just fine by me.

2 The wave I can start in next year.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I've Been Skiing

That's my excuse for not blogging, anyways. The season has been great. 48 skis so far this season. That is by far my best year. A few seasons ago I got in 38, but it is not even mid-February and I've exceeded that by 10. Plus we've got about 10 inches of great snow on the ground. So I should have no problem getting over 60 skis this year. That will be a fun milestone.

The rest of my time has been spent horse shopping. After nearly two years of riding Steen with Robin we started to talk about getting another horse. We rode this nice Paint first, but he was big and sluggish and expensive and he might have been lame. Then we rode this very goofy looking and slightly untrained Saddlebred-Paint-Arabian. He was too much horse for me. Finally we went to the Meyer Horse Co. They had a lot of nicely trained ranch geldings. I rode a couple and really liked this big, bay named Shamrock. I decided to call him Sham, for short. He arrived on Thursday, and he's got his own blog now.

It will not be a highly exciting blog. Especially if you're not a horse person and don't feel like reading about someone fumble through their rides and training. But I imagine it will be highly useful for me to keep track of my progress. Unfortunately, it probably won't help me update this blog more regularly. I'll try to work on that, though.