If you are interested in my happenings these last couple of weeks I will give you a rundown in topical order.
Books: I read a lot now. Too much. Some of it I don't understand, like Georg Lukacs, but the big Victorian novels are good. I am particularly enjoying Miss Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. I have never been to Northern England (or any part of England for that matter), but the descriptions of the windswept moors make me want to wander through the rough rocky landscape for many days, or even weeks.
Bikes: I managed to ride my bike twice this week. I think that will become my goal for every week. There is a chance I could get more in, but with my teaching and class schedule twice a week will be hard enough. Yesterday I got out for an hour as part of my efforts to get rid of a hangover. It worked. And Tuesday I went on part of the 'B' ride with Steve and John. Just as we were leaving the 'A' guys showed up, but it turned out to be a good thing since I got to catch up with Brian Eppen for awhile. When we reached Hills Steve, John, and I turned around and spun home at a nice, easy pace. I went over to Steve's to check out an old Kuwahara frame that he found in the trash. It was quite nice and should make a great townie. We stayed for a really nice Double Bock, and by that time it was getting dark, so Steve suggested I leave the frame for another time. Being the nice guy he is though, he delivered it to my house this afternoon via his cargo bike. Hopefully in the next week or two I can get it up and running with some help from the Bike Library.
Beer: Well, I guess I already started talking about beer in the last section. Those two categories have a habit of blending together sometimes. But Friday night Robin's work, The Hudson River Gallery, hosted an opening for the paintings of Steven Erickson. The work was great and so was the turnout. Robin and I invited all our friends back to our house for beer and a couple hookah sessions. It was a grand time and I drank more than I had in a long time. Not horribly bad, but enough to feel pretty shitty for most of Saturday.
And tomorrow marks an extremely momentous beer occasion in the state of Iowa. New Belgium brewing will now be sold here. John's Grocery is having a little party for it all which includes a short bike ride and adult beverages. Unfortunately this starts at 7:30 in the morning and I have to teach an hour after that. But you can show up anytime during the day to sign up for a drawing for a candy-apple red New Belgium cruiser, complete with rear rack and a case of beer. If I win then I will have two townie bikes, just like Robin.
1 comment:
I really wish I had been able to come this weekend! I spent most of my time in a car, contracting a cold from Erin (Mann). I also spent a fair amount of time at a lovely wedding, so it wasn't a total loss. Still, though - I want to see you guys soon!
Oh, and you need this t-shirt: http://www.threadless.com/product/562/Infinity_MPG
Yes, yes you do.
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