I would like everyone to take a moment to offer a warm welcome to the newest member of the booksbikesbeer family. The Kuwahara Single Speed Townie. It was ready to go last weekend except for one final detail. I know I could have posted a little something about it, but I'm a mix between overworked and lazy. It is a weird place to be.
Last weekend though, I finally decided to get the bike put together. On Saturday I rolled down to the wonderful Bike Library to get some wheels. The place was hoppin. At least 15 people were in line ahead of me to check out bikes, and many of those people rolled away happy. I also rolled away a happy owner of a new (old really) set of 27 inch wheels. And they are actually fairly light.
Sunday afternoon Robin and I went down to Geoff's Bike and Ski to get some big and squishy tires and an 18 tooth freewheel. Robin loaned me her old busted ten speed dura ace chain and things started to come together.
All until I tried to clamp the rear wheel into place. At first I thought the skewer would not screw down tight enough. But closer inspection revealed that the axle of the wheel was actually sticking out beyond the dropouts on the frame. Hmmm. Was I going to need a new wheel? I worried so. Robin and I decided to walk it down to the Bike Library to consult with townie guru Steve G. Like us, he was perplexed. But then he said, "well, we could just hack saw off some of the excess axle." Really? Would that work, I asked. Steve shrugged and said that it should, but if it didn't there was a pile of wheels in the back.
So I held the axle in place with a wrench while the guru lopped off the precise amount of axle, measured, of course, by his own eyes. The wheel now fits perfectly. Cheers to you townie guru (if you were here you would see the raised pale ale in my hand).
The final items I was waiting for were some nice orange grips. I thought they would compliment the bike in an odd, somewhat ugly and endearing way. You can decide for your self.
And the final token on the townie is the goat. This is the very goat that adorned the wonderful brew Steve gave me the night he introduced the Kuwahara and I. They were truly meant to be together.
I really think the orange grips add something special; the bike just wouldn't be the same without them! Congrats on the newest member of your family! :)
Nice. I've been thinking about fixing up a fixie of my own. I don't have a lot of experience with them though. And crashing hurts. You should check out what my friend ray did to his craigslist-found Mercier..
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