Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Take Three

Tonight I went on my third group ride of the year, and as it happened, the group did the same loop as they did on the other two rides I did--the rather classic Sugar Bottom-Tiffin loop. On the first attempt I opted for the self drop and rode in via the bike paths. On the second attempt some crazy shenanigans occurred involving a tandem and some overly aggressive youngins. On the third attempt I actually did the whole loop, but I didn't quite make it all the way with the group.

I did take a few pulls, though. And a couple of them came when the speeds were quite high. But I'm mostly in high spirits because I felt pretty darn good for most of it (and I have two beers in me).

After getting dropped on the south side of Tiffin I rode in with a couple of Bikes 2 You guys before we picked up Steve a couple of miles later. Steve and I rode through town duking it out with the cars. OK, so it wasn't quite that dramatic. But still, there was a boxing glove.

Hopefully I will be able to make the whole ride on my fourth attempt, but if not, no biggie. In the meantime, while you anxiously await to see if I can finish the next group ride you can check out a selection of our wedding photos here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the ride. I went for a ride today and got dropped by myself. This was, of course, in preparation for my next group ride.
