Monday, March 10, 2008

Back to the Bikes

It appears that I might have skied my last ski of the season Friday. If my counting is correct, I got in 37 days this winter. That is certainly the most skiing I've done in a season, and it is especially good when you consider we had a number of meltdowns and I spent a week in sunny, snowless Arizona. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy about all the skiing and the nice fitness it has brought me.

So this weekend I got two very nice bike rides in. I had planned on skiing on Saturday, but I was pretty sure the conditions would not have been very good. Plus I am very tired of driving around town. The only time I seem to drive my car is when there is snow to ski on and for long trips; so I am looking forward to some car free weeks. Anyways, I called Steve since I knew he was up for a ride. We made plans to ride the mountain bikes as they would probably slow us down and keep us warmer. Steve ultimately made a smart call suggesting we ride our town bikes in comfy street clothes. It was a great time. We got about two hours in and the big hills north of town made my legs tired. Quote of the ride, "I just want hair; I don't want to have hairstyle"--Steve.

The next morning brought more sun and warmer temps. Steve called to let me know that the Eppens and former I.C. fastman Nathan were all slightly hung over and looking to ride at 10:30. When the fastest people in town are hung over and you are not, you do everything you can to get on that ride.

The five of us rode nice and easy on a bunch of gravel roads and a gravel path that only had a couple feet of gravel, the rest was snow and very wet, slick ice. I biffed it right at the beginning. My hips do not have much padding, and as a result, I'm a little sore on the left side today. The rest of the trail, which was really all of it, was a blast. We briefly paused at the Solon Casey's for Coke and Pizza and then took more gravel roads into Iowa City. This was the first ride of the season that did not end in frozen toes. Quote of the ride, "I woke up with the sensation of water running all over the sheets, but I just said 'screw it, I'm drunk' and slept in it anyways"--Nathan. (Nathan claims he rolled over a water bottle in the night. But he is a lawyer, and as GOB would say, "lawyer is Latin for liar.")

Tomorrow is the first group ride of the year. Temps should be nice, so I think I'll give it a go. I might even try the new Teesdale on real roads.

1 comment:

gpickle said...

Some nice riding this past weekend, and some good hijinx, too. Thanks for playing! Happy to hear there will be a steel bike on the ride, I kept feeling worse and worse yesterday (of course it could just be my job making me sick) and had an unpleasant night. I feel a bit better today but not so well as to think of an early-early season group race. Have fun out there, hope it ain't too squirrely!