Monday, March 1, 2010

Birkie by Numbers

10,000 The number of skiers who competed in the various ski events over the weekend.

5,079 The number of skiers who completed the marathon distance.

1,433 Classic skiers went the distance.

298 My overall position in the classic marathon category.

54 The number of kilometers in the classic race.

35 As in VG35, the base binder I ironed into my skis. This stuff is sticky, and it was perfect for the old, hard, and fast snow.

8 Layers of kick wax. I put down 4 layers of Violet Special, put the skis outside to cool for 20 minutes and then put down 4 layers of Blue Extra. Kick was good until the last 8k or so. Then it was herring bone up the hills and a lot of double polling.

7 The wave I started in.

3:43:38 My time. And I'm pretty happy with it. Under 4 was the general goal. 3:30 would have been amazing. So being in the middle is just fine by me.

2 The wave I can start in next year.


30 Cent Bike said...

Right on Brian! Lobby for a horse-joring category next year and lay waste to all?

Missed ya at the Herkabeiner, but we understand...

Jesse said...

Lovin' it! Nice work on the Birkie bro!