Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Anticipation can only last so long. I guess for me it is about 10 days or so. In that time we have had many near misses in the storm department. Many of the weather reports talked of nice 2 to 3 inch snowfalls, and one even suggested as much as 5. None of those really happened. One day we got about an inch and a half. That was certainly enough to get started. I skied on Thursday and Friday and saw many people out enjoying themselves.

The snow continued to harden a bit with the dropping temps, but it was holding up well enough. Then last night we had some misty frozen rain for many, many hours. I wasn't too concerned as the weatherperson once again said we should get about 2 inches. I think we ended up with maybe a tenth of an inch. I sat at work watching the storm system swing east of us.

But in the afternoon Steve sent an emailing asking if I was up for skiing. He mentioned that the Eppens were a definite. Well that changed everything for me. If others were interested in seeking some awful conditions then so was I.

It was mostly ice with grass poking through, but a couple of the track sections allowed for some decent kick and glide. So it was better than it looked. And I got to work on my double poling quite a bit, which is good, because it needs a lot of work.

All in all we trudged through the ice for an hour. It was my fourth ski of the year. Not a great ski, but it will have to do. And since the forecast does not hold anything promising in the near future, I just might have to go back tomorrow and see how the skate skis do. We'll see how hte motivation holds up.

1 comment:

gpickle said...

Aww crud, I think I missed your birthday. Happy Birthday!

Glad to hear you got out for another one, jeesh I need to get with the program...