Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow Day

Just minutes after beginning my Spanish test this morning, the class got word that we would learn no more that day. It was an exciting moment; it is only a shame that it did not happen sooner. I did not really mind the walk downtown, and the test would not have been too bad, but for all the people who work at the university and have a longer commute than me, it is a big bummer. Everyone knew the storm was coming, so why not cancel class early in the morning?

Oh well. I have a day off. And these were the pretty views I had on my walk home.

This is the view up my street. Note the snow covered shoes hanging from the phone line.

A foot of snow can even make garbage cans look good.

Later this afternoon I will be enjoying some hot coffee with Steve, Robin, and possibly others. After that I will try to head over to Ashton for a late afternoon ski. They started grooming right away, so conditions should be quite nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian,

I enjoyed catching up on your posts. Nice pictures. So Dorothy hears me whining about not having skate skis and how all the dudes have 'em. So I got a call from her today. She was at the bike shop trying to get me some! Alas, she was unable to get them because the cost was prohibative.
